How to Diversify Your Content Strategy

Content Strategy

From attracting prospects to nurturing them or to convincing customers to re-engage, you need different content types if you want to make your business accessible for all types of visitors.

Integrating content into your digital marketing strategy is only the first step. If you truly want to change things up, you need to have a varied content strategy. After all, you should be able to target visitors in different stages of the buyer’s journey with content marketing.

That being said, writing a few blog posts is no longer enough for keeping your audience engaged. You need to diversify your content and mix up different content formats if you want to attract new audience members and keep the current ones engaged.

Are you eager to prioritize content diversification? Then, let’s jump right into it!

  • Prioritize Video Content

Did you know that users usually spend 88% more time on websites that contain video?

Think about it, video content can be a great way to emphasize your brand’s value and educate your audience while also promoting your products and services.

In fact, 84% of consumers recognize that they were convinced to make a purchase after watching a video.

It also helps that this type of content is extremely versatile. From behind-the-scenes films to tutorial videos and even live streams, you can experience with different types of videos.

Here are some different types of video content forms:

    • DIY, educational and tutorial videos for the awareness stage
    • Product and customer testimonials videos, or live stream Q & As for the consideration stage
    • FAQ  or demonstration videos for the decision stage

Want to find out more about this type of content creation? Then, check out our article on the future of video content

  • Try Long-Form

    From social media videos to short paragraphs instead of a lengthy blog post, content that can be consumed quickly is great for grabbing your audience’s attention.

    Still, if you want to position your business as a thought leader in your niche and prove your expertise, long-form content is fundamental.

    Both types of content are valuable, and your business will experience a significant boost when you combine short-form and long-form content. After all, you can use the easy-to-consume, micro-content to attract your target audience and long-form content to provide your visitors with valuable information.

    From e-books to white papers or long-form blog posts, there are different content options that can help you diversify your content marketing strategy. Besides, by incorporating long-form content in your content plan, you can also gain an edge over the competition and build authority.

    Like we said before, consumers need to be able to trust a business in order to make a purchase, and what better way to gain their trust than with informative and high-quality content?

  • Experiment with Audio Content

    With podcasts experiencing a stable increase in popularity among Americans, you cannot deny that audio content has become a big deal.

    Think about it, podcasts are pretty much the easiest type of content to digest since people can listen to them during their workouts, while they are commuting, or even when they are doing chores.

    You can use this type of content to grow your brand by inviting guests on your podcasts and attracting new audiences.  

    Remember, effective content strategies are diverse so if you want to improve those SEO rankings and keep your target audience engaged, you need to be switching things up and experiment with different types of content. 

With podcasts experiencing a stable increase in popularity among Americans, you cannot deny that audio content has become a big deal.

Think about it, podcasts are pretty much the easiest type of content to digest since people can listen to them during their workouts, while they are commuting, or even when they are doing chores.

You can use this type of content to grow your brand by inviting guests on your podcasts and attracting new audiences.  

Remember, effective content strategies are diverse so if you want to improve those SEO rankings and keep your target audience engaged, you need to be switching things up and experiment with different types of content. 

  • Utilize User-Generated Content 

What better way to diversify content than by sharing your users’ work.

As the name suggests, user-generated content (UGC) is content that is posted by users on social platforms. From reviews to videos and even guest posts, this type of content is varied and can just be the social proof that other users need to make a purchase.

After all, 95% of consumers admit that their purchase decisions are impacted by reviews.

Keep in mind, however, that user-generated content will work better in some industries than in others. 

  • Start Repurposing Content

Maximizing your best content pieces by repurposing them is a crucial step in effective content marketing strategies. 

Think about it, you could ensure that your evergreen content remains relevant by repackaging those insightful and educational pieces. Besides, not only can you save time with this technique, but you can also increase traffic and ensure that your content reaches the target audiences.

For example, the easiest way to gain more value from your content is to update old blog posts. You can add new images or statistics and then share the post again on social media platforms.

Similarly, you can repackage old popular content by:

    • Creating infographics
    • Remarketing the pieces on social media
    • Producing an e-book with your best evergreen pieces
  • Expand On Social Media Platforms

Your content and your social media strategy can work hand in hand. 

In fact, your content strategy will benefit from your social media activity if you utilize your platforms effectively.

If you are struggling with coming up with new content, social media might just be the help you need. Think about it, by being on the social media platforms that your target audience is using, you can see what is trending in your niche or the hashtags that your audience is following. Then, you can come up with new content ideas based on your findings.

Remember, quality over quantity. Being on all the social media platforms just for the sake of being there won’t get you anywhere in the long run. You need to find out what works for your audience.

Upgrade Your Content Strategy by Diversifying!

With more and more content formats appearing, it’s safe to say that content marketing is continuously changing. So, only investing in written content is no longer enough.

In fact, keeping your audience engaged solely with written content will become increasingly difficult. 

Want to keep your audience engaged? Then, diversifying your content is key!

Ready to switch up your content? With its customer-centric approach, CadenceSEO is here to help you take your content to the next level!

What are you waiting for? Book a free consultation with us today!

Picture of Kevin McLauchlin

Kevin McLauchlin

Kevin is one of the Co-Founders of CadenceSEO. He has spent the last 5 years living and breathing SEO as well as other Digital Marketing channels. Outside of work he is an Ultra-Runner and father of 6 amazing kids.

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